About the Artist

Hello! My name is Thi Nguyen and I am a junior at the College of Charleston. After completing an associate of arts degree at Trident Technical College, I am excited to be a transfer student to the university! Upon transferring I was not sure exactly what major I wanted to pursue. My passion for drawing and creativity led me to be an arts management major. I took this design course just for the fun of it, and although I enjoyed it, I will admit that it was not as easy as I thought. The course was a suggested elective that would be useful in marketing for the arts. However, after a semester I realized arts management just was not for me and decided to pursue my true passion for teaching. Even though I will be an elementary education major, I do not regret taking the course. I plan to use the skills learned in my personal endeavors as well as for other courses. It is a pleasure to be able to share my creations with you, and thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me.